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MeetContent WRO #26
by Magdalena Jałówko, Adam Kąkol, Natalia Rusin
Nokia Garage | Szybowcowa 2 | Wrocław

Smart search results with Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

The #26 MeetContentWRO will take us yet again into the world of advanced AI 🤩

We will learn some more about how algorithms are handling natural language and what is their ability to understand it. Or, should I better say: to interpret it? Just to be more precise 😉

Since the Natural Language Understanding has multiple practical applications, such as data and text categorization, answering questions based on the source content and large scale content analysis, it is no wonder that the Technical Communication field is just another area where this can be put to work.

On 20th March we will listen to an interesting story about the practical use case of applying the NLU to track and explore the relationships between the named entities used in Nokia documentation.

We’ll have a panel of 3 fantastic speakers:

  • Magdalena Jałówko, who is a Product Owner at Nokia

  • Adam Kąkol, who works at Nokia as a Manager in the AI-Driven Knowledge Solutions area, and

  • Natalia Rusin who is a UX/UI Designer

After the event, as usual, we’ll have some Q&A time and then the networking part 💬

Our host, Nokia, will be treating us to some delicious pizza 🍕

Join us on 20 March 🙂 We start at 18:00 at Nokia Garage!