Unlockig the Text Framework: How we use ChatGPT to scale our framework
Another MeetContentWRO is fast approaching. This time we will meet on 25 October at Text. The company has rebranded very recently and was formerly known as LiveChat. The MeetContentWRO #23 will bring you a bit more on AI, but with a twist 😉
The speaker, Paweł Hałabuda, will tell us about their experience in developing and scaling their company content. His presentation will be more of a case study. He will compare various AI tools, for example: ChatGPT, SurferSEO, or Jasper.
We will find out how these tools performed when combined with a newly introduced, more automated, content creation process. Paweł will also show us how the employing of various AIs impacted their site stats, number of views, SEO, and even the work productivity of content creators.